Before we can discuss what jail is like, you need to understand the differences between a state prison and a jail. Most people on the outside do not understand that a state prison is different from a jail or county prison. It is true that all of these institutions incarcerate men and women. Jails and county prisons hold those who are waiting for trial or inmates who are imprisoned for short sentences. The actual prison time determines whether you serve your time in a jail, county prison, or a state prison. In many states, if your sentence is more than twelve or eighteen months, depending upon the state, you will do your time in the state prison system.
Inmates in Federal prisons are incarcerated for violating Federal Laws and are usually serving time anywhere from one year to life.
A local lock up, jail or county prison, is a strange, dangerous, and bizarre world. First time offenders are easily identified by their dazed and confused looks. Most attorneys do not prepare their clients for imprisonment.
Jails and county prisons have their own unique culture. If you violate the taboos of this culture, then you will face retaliation from your fellow inmates. You cannot depend on any one including most sheriffs or correctional officers for help. To understand what jail is like, you need to understand immediately that you are on your own. The lucky first time offender will meet a few inmates with jail or prison experience who will share with you what jail is like and what you need to do to survive your incarceration. If, you are going to jail or county prison, you need to prepare yourself for what jail is really like. For example, the following are two basic rules of survival:
DO NOT DISCUSS YOUR CASE WITH OTHER INMATES — All inmates have their own agenda. In jail, almost all of the inmates are facing trial. An inmate can twist what you tell him into a story that he can negotiate with the prosecutor for an easier sentence. You will find your jail buddy testifying against you at trial. It is best to remember an old World War II expression, “Loose lips sink ships.”
RESPECT – It is crucial to respect the space, the past, the house (cell) and the food of other inmates. Do not crowd another inmate’s space while talking to him. It is best not to crowd another inmate during any discussion. It is considered disrespectful to question another inmate about his past or his crime. Do not look into other inmates’ cells and never even joke about touching another inmate’s food. If you are disrespectful to another inmate, you will face retribution.
The above listed rules are part of my 25 basic rules, “How to survive jail.” You can obtain a free copy of the 25 rules by clicking the navigation bar for the 25 rules on our home page. You can contact us at info@prisonpath.com
By Bradley Schwartz
Founder of prisonpath.com
This is very true. The lay world are not knowledgeable concerning criminals and criminal holding facilities and approaches. The League of women voters had me facilitate a group of laypersons to educate and generate fact based discussions on the topic of corrections to see if such would alter their perspectives once given verified facts. Also having taught corrections for almost 3 decades I have seen more of the same from college students. The main conclusions I have reached is that lay persons: do not realize the differences between probation and parole, the scope of or the costs of corrections in… Read more »
on’t you thinDk it’s time you damn people get off your asses and do stmhoeing about it before it’s too late??? Fight for what’s yours for f*ck sakes like your freedom and your country What ever happened to the land of the free and the home of the brave ? There’s two key words there that i don’t see any one acting on , all i see and hear are people bitching and whining about it and no one doing anything about it So get mad and f*ckin take back what’s rightfully yours while you still can!
I don’t think the public has any idea about the judicial system at all, how utterly impossible the defendants plight is, especially the Pro Bono cases. Don;t get me wrong, I work with some great Pro Bono attorney’s but we don’t have the same resources as retained attorneys. However, I have had the court arbitrarily and severely cut our approved hours just before trial. Our only recourse was to either quit the project or work for free. I doubt the public knows what a mess the judicial system is and will be unless we get an attorney general or president… Read more »
It is my belief that most attorneys and likely most judges as well, have no idea of the brutal realities of life inside most state prisons. The problem with filing complaints, especially when it involves prison personnel, is the retribution upon the inmate for doing so. I get so tired of hearing the presumptions of the public about three meals a day, cable TV, elaborate gyms and playing video games. How about crappy food, showers once a week, 2″ thick mattresses and 10 minute calls to your loved ones. You get sent to prison as punishment; not for punishment…and brutality!
Peter Chin-Tai Peter Peter Chin-Tai Chief Investigator at General Sun Tzu Investigation Sadly to note, it does not matter whether it is COUNTY JAIL or PRISON, the fact is the CRIMINAL COPS who CRIMINALIZES innocent citizens need to be addressed who wrongly imprison innocent civilians , falsify POLICE REPORTS, tampering with evidence, conceal and destroy evidence. I work several as a Criminal Defense Investigator, I helped a PRO SE Reginald Eugene Grimes in West PALM Beach Court and we won our case, he is free and now suing the RIVIERA BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT for their criminal acts. We need to… Read more »
Prison, jail, or any confined reality is a socially unnatural environment for any human being to be in. What we must understand is that there is a segment of our society, who do not respect the humanity of the people they incarcerate. Unfortunately, African Americans and Hispanics are disproportionately incarcerated at un-believable rates. Unnatural prisons created unnatural results when they are returned to our communities, in most instances unannouced……Think about it!
Most States have a Restoration of Civil Rights statute. You can additionally apply for a Pardon. Let’s take a look at my State Nevada. Restoration of Civil Rights : http://www.doc.nv.gov/?q=node/77 You will note the Right to Vote is restored. http://www.doc.nv.gov/?q=node/77
Here is the Pardon Statute in Nevada: NRS 213.090 Pardon: Restoration of civil rights; relieved of disabilities; limitations
Here is the DOJ on Civil Rights: http://www.justice.gov/crt/about/vot/restore_vote.php
If you think were being screwed now,just wait.We will be slevas like none before us.With everything they are getting away with now,it wont compare to what they will do in the future ahead of us.All you have to do is look around with an inquiring mind, this will make you sick to your stomach,because youll know its true.