Prisonpath has posted several article about better options for non-violent inmates. More and more states are finally realizing that overcrowded prisons are caused by incarcerating too many nonviolent inmates. A posting on overcrowded prisons cited the absurd statistics on our excessively high inmate population. We are number one in the world for the largest inmate population. The United State has twenty-five percent of the world’s population despite having only five percent of the world’s population. More and more Americans are realizing that prisons and jails should not be the answer for most nonviolent offenders. An agenda emphasizing strict probation, home confinement, and rehabilitative programs for former inmates, will reduce the overwhelming problem of prison overcrowding and in the end, reduce the high rate of recidivism.
Our officials are looking at better alternatives for nonviolent offenders than prison. Derrick Schofield, Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Correction, stated in The Tennessean,
“All across the country, there is growing consensus for this type of change. A recent Pew Center on the States public opinion survey found that Americans believe too many people are in prison and the nation spends too much on imprisonment. Respondents to the survey also overwhelmingly support a variety of policy changes that shift nonviolent offenders from prison to more effective, less expensive alternatives. States that have reduced their prison populations without releasing inmates were able to do so by investing in community alternatives.”
“We believe, without a doubt, the people who have wreaked havoc on our communities and taken lives should be behind bars, and we want to reserve our prison beds for those violent offenders. For the nonviolent offenders, such as those with substance abuse problems, the time has come for us to rethink how we supervise those who could benefit from programs in the community rather than time in prison.”
It is time to have responsible sentencing for nonviolent offenders, effective rehabilitation programs in our prisons and jails, and local community re-entry that actually helps our returning citizens become productive members of society.
this is so true, as i had a possession of 1 gram, (a sugar packet), of cocaine and got 25-to-life, non-violent, non-serious except in Calif. where they use the 2/3 strike laws, enhancements, priors until they get to that time
“Western European penal systems, particularly the German, Dutch and Norwegian, are focused on rehabilitating nonviolent offenders. Even the prison infrastructure is designed and built to facilitate rehabilitation. As a result of this policy the recidivism rate is around 10%. On the other hand in the U.S. the focus of the Criminal Justice System is on the punitive path rather than rehabilitation. This policy has resulted in a 5 year re-arrest rate of more than 75% and the average stay in a U.S. prison is 3 years. One prudent way to reduce the population in U.S. prisons and jails is to… Read more »
About time we come to our senses.
By; Brian
Keep the higher risk offenders in there, like the sexual offenders who typically receive and average sentence of 1 1/2 – 3 years for the sexual abuse of a child, then ultimately get released then – as history indicates – repeatedly offend again. It;s a vicious cycle for that type of offender. There is NO cure for sexually offenders, only lifelong treatment for prevention of re-offending. Give them long-term, well deserved sentences during the course of the first conviction, and let’s consider some of the lower-level, non-violent / non-offensive inmates for “alternatives to incarceration”.
If your mama put you on the toilet barackwds, shame on her,If you’re stilling SITTING on the toilet barackwds,Shame on YOU. For any recovery to begin, the individual MUST cease being the victim. Too many dwell and remain in the problem, never ever enjoying the fruits of the solutions.