Region 7 of the Correctional Education Association (CEA) is pleased to announce it will be hosting the CEA International Conference this summer in Long Beach California July 31-August 3, 2016. We are working very hard to have a truly international conference. Additionally, a significant post-secondary education thread for workshops have developed. We believe this conference will be of interest to you.
We are excited to share this information with you. Up-to-date: Registration, Vendor and hotel accomodations information can be found at the below link:
It is coming together very well and gaining a great deal of attention because this is the first time in around a decade to for this event to be held on the west coast.
Conservatively 200-300 national/international attendees,likely 300-400. More………….we sure hope so.
The 71st Annual Correctional Education Association (CEA) Summer Conference and Training Event will be the premiere event for our profession. Scott Kernan, The Secretary of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation has committed to attend one day of our conference. Also, Scott Budnick Hollywood producer and Juvenile Justice Advocate will be in attendance. We are trying to schedule Governor Jerry Brown and Senator Loni Hancock. We are currently dialoging with Mental Health, Community College, Veteran’s Affairs Administration, and other Federal, state, county and local teachers, administrators, policymakers like-minded professionals. Beyond that, we have over 60 breakout sessions schedule throughout the 3 days. And don’t forget we will be honoring the Correctional Education Association’s Teacher of the Year (TOY), where 9 regional TOY’s will be recognized but only one will be given the honor of the 2016 CEA TOY. More to come on that!
This conference and training event is shaping up to be the place to be this summer for the correctional education profession. With your help and interest, we believe it will be greater than we can imagine.
The hotel and conference space is some of the best available: http://www.hiltonlb.com/photos.php
Attendees will have direct and immediate access to all vendors after exiting main and breakout sessions. The hallways where the activity will occur are wide and inviting. Vendors will get a great deal of visibility during and after the conference.
Let me know what else we can do to help.
Thank you
Robert Holtz
2016 CEA Conference Planning Chair
CEA Director Region 7
Posted by:
Bradley Schwartz
Founder of prisonpath.com
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