Although there are not many programs that aid inmates in the recovery of drug addiction and alcoholism, there are a few to speak of. The federal bureau of prisons has a program dedicated to the fight against drug addiction and alcoholism. In fact, the program has been around for approximately 20 years. This program has been proven to make a positive impact on the lives of inmates and their families.
Per Bop.gov the drug and alcohol treatment of in-prison populations if they’re well-designed, implemented carefully and use effective practices they have the potential to:
• reduce relapse
• reduce criminality
• reduce recidivism
• reduce inmate misconduct
• increase the level of the offender’s stake in societal norms
• increase levels of education and employment upon return to the community
• improve health and mental health symptoms and conditions
• improve relationships
There are several different forms of therapy offered during an inmate stay in prison. One form of therapy that’s offered in prison is (CBT) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. CBT is very effective and has a diverse amount of effectiveness with prison inmates and non-inmates alike.
1. (CBT) Developed by Dr. Aaron T. Beck, Cognitive Therapy (CT), or Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), was developed in the 1960’s and has been extensively researched. Simply put, this therapy defends that you need to learn the process to identify the patterns and change the behavior that may lead to a relapse. Citation: http://blog.brightfuturestreatment.com/relapse-prevention/need-relapse-prevention-therapy/
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy when in relation to the rehabilitation of inmates has been implemented since the late 60’s early 70’s. It is also used in programs like Alcoholics Anonymous and many other 12 step programs within the recovery community.
What Other Programs are Available for Inmates for Recovery?
Twelve Step Programs like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous have H&I programs (Hospitals and Institutions). Members of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous bring in meetings to people who can’t get to an outside meeting. H&I brings meetings to jails, local rehab centers and psychiatric wards around the world. The purpose in doing this is to carry the message of recovery to the addict or alcoholic who still suffers from addiction or alcoholism.
Contrary to popular belief, it’s is still possible to continue getting high even inside a prison or a jail. There are ways inmates produce their own alcohol and drugs are often smuggled into the prisons and jails. The temptation is very strong for someone with a lot of time on their hands.
Is their hope for an inmate trying to change their ways?
Yes. However, it’s up to the inmate to want to change for themselves, but family encouragement does help a lot. There are several different resources available for inmates to take advantage of that will guide them on the path to recovery from drug addiction and alcoholism.
1. Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP)
RDAP is the Bureau’s most intensive treatment program. CBT is used in a modified therapeutic community model where offenders experience living in a pro-social community. Offenders live in a unit separate from general population; they participate in half-day programming and half-day work, school, or vocational activities. RDAP is typically nine months in duration.
By:Peter Dimaira,Online Director at Bright Futures Wellness Center–Bright Futures Treatment Center of Boynton Beach, Florida is a unique facility designed to provide effective and meaningful results for the clients and the families of those who complete its drug treatment program.
Published by:Bradley Schwartz
Founder of prisonpath.com–PrisonPath provides information about every jail and prison in the United States and advocates for reform of the broken criminal justice system.
Good article. These programs are all provided thru probation/parole/prison system in the state of Georgia!
By James
Bob– Of course there is.
The quality and effectiveness of drug treatment programs vary from prison to prison.
By Bradley
There are good cognitively based residential programs; just not enough.
By Art
Martha Stacker, Ph.D. Excellent article. evidence based practice shows that these type of programs to reduce recidivism. facilitate and also trained these types of programs. I also work with treatment programs and have seen the proven success of these type of interventions.
Dr. Valerie Williamson– The Georgia Department of Corrections and Department of Community Supervision provides substance abuse programming for offenders in the prisons and Day Reporting Centers within the communities.
Yes, I believe so. If not, they need to have them. Another option is drug court and have them be sent to drug rehab.
By Melissa
Phillip–Was a counselor in an RDAP.
William– Many inmates don’t see programs like this as a privilege, that is one of the big issues.
Stephon— First, before you discuss programs discuss state versus federal incarceration. Then discuss incentive programs versus programs of personal reform. You see as a former Drug Abuse Treatment Specialist for the Federal Bureau of Prison at 2 different facilities I can say, like any other aspect of life you get out of these programs what you are willing to put into the program. But the public as well as politician go misinformed about what really goes on inside the wall, fences, gates and even doors of these facilities. Many of these individuals don’t even have the basic education to fully… Read more »
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