The United States is number one for the most inmates, prisons, and prisoners held in solitary confinement. United States also leads the world with the most...
The United States Prison Statistics Infographic: The Largest Population of Inmates, Prisons, & Solitary Confinement According to Buzzfeed Politics, there are 10 ways that America is...
On a personal note, my incarceration fortunately involved only a very small taste of solitary imprisonment during my time in the Maryland State prison system. It...
California has ghost inmates. By ‘ghost inmates,’ we are referring to the inmates held in solitary confinement for years and even decades. For twenty-five years, California...
According to the American Civil Liberties Union, approximately 80,000 people are kept in solitary confinement in the United States. Although a number of the inmates are...
The Effects of Solitary Confinement in Prison The lack of any human contact is a devastating punishment for any individual, but certainly more so with a...