In the celebrated series, “Game of Thrones,” it is whispered that “winter is coming.” Everyday in the United States, inmates are coming. According to the United...
On February 11, the FCC’s new regulations to curb the predatory telephone charges for inmate’s families and friends were implemented. Before these new regulations were enacted, interstate...
John Dillinger, as a teenager, had a petty criminal record. Before he was thirty, Dillinger robbed a grocery store of $50.00. Dillinger’s father, after discussion with...
A seminar, “Prisons to Prosperity,” will be presented by the Bronx Clergy Roundtable and the Think outside the Cell Foundation this Saturday, October 26, at Lehman...
This past New York Times editorial succinctly described one of the major causes of our over crowded prison systems and the escalating costs of incarceration. A substantial...
Recidivism is a 10-letter word. When you first hear the word, it sounds like a disease. We know it is not a medical term, but it...
Anyone with a criminal record has known the anguish and frustration of trying to find a job upon release from imprisonment. An important question concerns...
A new documentary, “Outcasts: Surviving the Culture of Rejection,” explores the history of recidivism and what the writer and director of this documentary calls the culture...
Why is Delaware so shocked about their high recidivism rate? Two past national reports revealed that two-thirds of the inmates in their studies were rearrested within...
Resettlement prisons are part of a shake-up of England’s prison system. The English correctional system will have eventually 70 resettlement prisons. The majority of offenders released...