Based on personal experience and observation, the prison holiday experience is bleak and dismal. Despite their tough demeanor, the young inmates are affected the most. When...
“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate” is the famous quotation from the famous prison movie, Cool Hand Luke. The line was first stated by...
The news media was focused this week about the CIA, interrogations, and torture. Many Americans are shocked at the actions of the CIA, but you do...
There are many obstacles that await the returning citizen from prison. He or she will need a safe place to stay and a job. There are...
“I can’t breathe” and “I can’t take it no more” are two tragic statements revealing an ugly side of law enforcement in the United States. Eric...
Prisonpath has posted several article about better options for non-violent inmates. More and more states are finally realizing that overcrowded prisons are caused by incarcerating too...
Before we can discuss what jail is like, you need to understand the differences between a state prison and a jail. Most people on the outside...
Many prisons and jails do not prepare ex-inmates to return to the outside world. In order for a returning citizen not to become another statistic in...
From the creator of As part of my sentence, I was incarcerated for fifteen months in the Maryland state prison system. My prison path initially...
The United States has an illness. Our prisons and jails are filled with the mentally ill. Every month, there is another investigation revealing that a substantial...