Credit: CNN
All of America has heard of Freddie Gray’s tragic death. Freddie Gray, a 25-year old Baltimore black man suffered severe injuries during his arrest on April 12, 2015. He died one week later from his injuries. A video revealed Mr. Gray, screaming in pain, while being dragged by two police officers to a police van. He was handcuffed, feet shackled, and was transported in the van–unrestrained During the van ride, Mr. Gray fell into a coma from a major spinal injury. Baltimore City States Attorney filed criminal charges against six police officers after the medical examiner ruled that the death was a homicide. Mr. Gray was arrested for possessing an alleged illegal “switchblade.”The case attracted national and international media attention after the rioting that followed Mr. Gray’s death.
Defense attorneys requested a dismissal of the charges based upon alleged misconduct of the state’s attorney Marilyn Mosby. The defense attorneys argued that statements by Mosby, when she announced the charges, at the Baltimore War Memorial were biased and had “tainted the jury pool.”The judge indicated that he was troubled by the prosecutor’s words, but that the statements would not prevent a fair trial for the police officers. Judge Williams also denied defense claims of conflicts of interest by the states attorney and the court ruled that she would not be removed from the case. Judge Williams also did not accept the argument that a conflict of interests existed because the prosecutor’s husband, Nick Mosby, is the City Councilman in the district where Mr.Gray was arrested.
The next hearing is scheduled for September 10th. The court will decide the defendant’s motion to remove their cases from Baltimore because the six police officers cannot receive a fair trial in Baltimore.
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