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Wallens Ridge State Prison

1052 Dogwood Dr
N/A prison
(276) 523-3310
Big Stone
Opened in 1999
Prison Description

Wallens Ridge State Prison is a level 5 state prison located in Big Stone Gap, Virginia, housing approximately 700 inmates. Since opening in April 1999, it has been a part of the Virginia Department of Corrections, and is identical to the Red Onion State Prison near Pound. The prison was built for over $70 million.

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My son Phillip M.Askew,is an inmate at WRSP.I have not heard from him in a month.Because,he has some health issues,I am concerned that he may be ill. I also would like to know if I will be contacted if he were ill.M phone #’s are 7576377232(home)and 7575937901(cell).Would it be possible for his counselor to contact and inform me of his well-being? I appreciate any contact from your facility. Thanks Jennifer Askew


if i am a felon & my daughters dad is at wrsp can i still visit him or do i have to have permission from my probation officer or what do i have to do to visit him?? let me know please!!!


I am trying to reach some one to find out why inmates are only allowed to call on week ends. I understood that when he was in seg. but he is in general population now. I am busy on week ends and can’t sit at home waiting off him to call. It would be nice if he could call in the evenigs when he knows I am most likely to be home.

jacqueline ervin

my son is incarcerated there and i from Maryland and i didn’t know that you needed to fill out paper work to see him i don’t get to come this way often is there anyway i can see him i don’t have a felony or anything.


i was wanting to know what address and whom i send the visiting froms to. my inmate is at wallens ridge stste prison.


It says to see the forms page? Where is that located? I am trying to get a visitation form to be approved for visitation as i am a felon. He is located in Wallens Ridge SP and the counselor told him i could get the form on the website and this is what came up from the search..please let me know. Thank you soo much


I’m trying to find out where to send the visiting forms to and whom I address them to. If u would kindly let me know it doesn’t say


my brother just got transferred to wallens ridge…will we be able to have contact visits or is it behind the glass only


also we just had our visitors forms reapproved a month before he was transferred from keene mtn…will we have to fill out new forms because he has changed prisons

Johanna Gill
Johanna Gill

I have called the past week spoke to officers here about needing my son dad Angel Manuel Rios to call me about emergency about our son and I was told message would be given and my number yet no one has called me back or anything he needs to know about our son can someone help get message to him please


Hi Johanna, since the prison administration is not helping you, we recommend that you contact the prison chaplain for
assistance. Often, the prison chaplkain can make the difference.