Lucile Plane State Jail is a Texas Department of Criminal Justice state jail for women located in unincorporated Liberty County, Texas. It is located on Texas State Highway 321, 5 miles north of Dayton.
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How do I find Angela VanBuren’s information/address and Unit location. Her ID # is 01761853
My email is
Hi Nancy,
For information about the Lucile Plane State jail, click this link.
How can I find out when and why my daughter cant have visits.
We recommend contacting your daughter’s case manager. If you continue to have difficulty, try the prison chaplain for help.
I need to hear from my daughter this is hard for her and for me too.
If you are having difficulty hearing from your daughter, we recommend contacting the prison’s chaplain for assistance.
My daughter is in your facility. How do I go about sending money to her.
Hi Angelica,
Please review our updated information section about Trust Fund for information on sending funds to your daughter.
Brad Schwartz
Founder of
It says my daughter is only eligable for deposits. Ive sent commissary items before but it says i can only make deposits today. How can i find out why this is???
Thanks in advance.
When is Amanda loera’ s release date
I’m just curious why the heck is my daughter in segregated detention? Her name is Kirsten violette#2232669
She didn’t do anything wrong that she’s not already being punished for already so I need to know why ASAP!
What is sid# for Lucile Plane State Jail?
My daughter is alley jo Fuentes it’s my understanding that she at plane unit she just got processed and I want to know why she is denied visitation
My daughter is alley jo Fuentes it says is at plane unit I wanna know why it says she is not allowed visitation she was just processed through the system a week and half ago is this normal
how can i make sure a person who may get out in may stay in? she couldnt do her proberation . i know she not going to do her prole. she a person who needs to stay where she is until her entire time is servered. she in the plane unit
How do I find out her number about JPay is that correctional solutions? I need to find out all the stuff. I’m very worried about my daughter I need help.
Hi Cindy,
Our site is private and not part of any jail-prison facility.
We provide basic information about every jail-prison in the
United States. If we need to do some research for you, we charge a flat fee
of $75. We bill via Paypal, which accepts credit and debit cards. Upon receipt of payment,
we can provide information within 24 hours.