The Charles Egeler Reception and Guidance Center (RGC) serves as a quarantine facility responsible for intake processing of all male offenders who are adjudicated adults sentenced to a term of incarceration with the Michigan Department of Corrections. Prisoners with new commitments, parole violators, and youthful offenders are received at RGC for assessments, screening and classification prior to their placement in general population prisons throughout the agency. The Reception and Guidance Center contains three separate units: RGC Main Complex houses quarantine prisoners pending completion of their reception center processing; C Unit houses minimum security prisoners primarily with medical issues; and Duane L. Waters Health Center provides medical services to male and female prisoners throughout the Michigan Department of Corrections and includes telemedicine support services, inpatient care and outpatient treatment.,4551,7-119--179676--,00.html
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Hi, I filled my visitor application and would like to know where i take it too?
I filled our my visitor application and not sure where i take it too?
The mailing address is RGC,3855 Cooper St., Jackson, MI 49201. I would call the prison, 517-780-5600, to confirm the mailing address for your visitor application and do not forget to include a self addressed envelope for their decision regarding your visitation.
Hi, I have been calling that number and the option for receptionist is disconnected or no longer in use. I just want to know if my husband is still there I haven’t heard from him. And I already sent out visiting applications to Warden Heidi Washington 3855 cooper st Jackson Mi 49201-7547 , will they still give it to the right facility? And what do you suggest I do? Please help. Thank you
Can the letter be sent through regular mail or does it have to be first class?
Hi Heather,
Regular mail is fine.
Thank you! I appreciate the information! One more question my husband is in RGC for intake, I know he can’t have visitors now but, do I need to wait until he is placed to submit a visitors application or does your facility process them and then forward them to where he goes? What is the of pictures he is allowed to receive in mail? Thank you for your time!
Can a prisoner in intake receive a package through the family care package program I tried entering my husbands mdoc number and it says inmate not found on the website for care package program
Are telephone privileges allowed with the family at this facility?
Can I fill out a visitors form online?
I would call RGC to confirm that you can fill out a visitors form online. Go back to our RGC page and you will find the telephone number for RGC.
Are we allowed to touch the prisoners? Hug kiss etc…
At some prisons, you can hug and kiss the inmate at the beginning of the visit and at the end of the visit. A review of the prison’s web site does not indicate an answer to your question.You can call the prison and find out the prison’s policy regarding physical contact with an inmate during visitation. You can also check with the correctional officers when you arrive for visitation.
my son haves been in there[RGC]oct-5-12 i have got 1 letter and 1 phone call from him .i have sent him money ,and i write him everday .i have not heard from him yet how do i no if he got his money?i have a reseats from jay said he got it ,but still i have not heard from him . how can i find out he got his money from your part?
i have a son in RGC please can you help me ?i have not heard from him .i got one letter and one phonecall but that was it .i no he got money in his account . but i dont no if he got it yet .im going out of my mind with worrying . please tell me something. his name is troy johnson #229505. please help me .i no if he did get that money he would have wrote me by now,or called me from a worryed mother connie
I would recommend that you visit him if you can to find out whether he has received the payment. If you cannot visit, then write to him. You can also contact the facility to determine what happened to the payment.
Where can I get the visitation application
You can contact the prison to send an application to you.
How do I find out inmates number so I can write a letter. I cant get through on the phone. Thanks
Hi Mark,
Try the inmate locator on our prison page for this facility. If this does not work,try the inmate locator on our home page. If no success and you are still having difficulty, then call the prison chaplain for help.
Thanks u
How do i go about writing to an inmate? I have been unable to fund addresses etc! Please help.
Try using our inmate locators on the home page to find your inmate. You need the name of the inmate, the inmate’s ID. No., and the full prison address in order to write the inmate.
What would I have to do if I wanted to send a letter to a inmate?
Hi Rains,
You need the full name of the inmate, his ID No., and the prison’s address.
I have a Jackson address but when I google map it , it’s showing me directions to Lansing I’m trying to get an idea of how far my friend is for when I’m allowed to come visit are the directions correct?
Hi Ashley,
Jackson Michigan is 45 minutes away from Lansing Michigan. I would recommend trying Mapquest for driving directions.
is there a chaplain at RGC?
Hi Tara,
Most prisons have a full time chaplain or part-time chaplain. There can be more than one chaplain depending on the size of the prison. I would recommend calling directly the facility to confirm.
I want to write to an inmate, not sure which ID# I’m supposed to use, the MDOC or the SID?
Hi Rikki, Please note the following information about mailing: Mail – Sending Mail to a Prisoner Per PD 05.03.118 – Prisoner Mail, mail is considered any written, typed or printed communication of information, including magazines, catalogs, books and photographs. Stamps, stickers, and similar items do not communicate information and thus are not considered mail for purposes of this policy even if delivered through the mail. Mail is prohibited if it is a threat to the security, good order, or discipline of the facility, may facilitate or encourage criminal activity, or may interfere with the rehabilitation of the prisoner which includes:… Read more »
My son, William Denson, Jr. is in your facility. #400921. I understand that I must fill out an application to visit him. How do I get the application?
My email address is My phone number is 616-868-6919
Thank you.
Sharon Densib
Hi Sharon,
For the visitor application, click this link.
For information about prison life, click this link.
Please be advised that your e-mail address is not working.
Can I send my husband pictures while hes at the RGC??????
Hi Margaret,
I am assuming that we are discussing normal family pictures. It should not be a problem.
For information about prison survival for an inmate, click this link.
My son has just been sentenced today on 6/26, and I was told he is being sent to your facility (Charles Egeler), possibly today. How do I find out his inmate ID# to send him money? I am also confused about whether his son and I will be able to visit him there and how we can write to him. I would truly appreciate any help because I don’t know who to go to for information and this is a very frightening time.
Thank you so much and God Bless,
Kim Roth
Hi Kimberly,
For information about the Egeler facility, click this link.
For information to help inmate to survive, click this link.
My son told me yesterday that there are NO fans available in the unit where he is housed. He said there are fans on the ‘other side’. With the current heat wave advisory; I believe it’s inhumane and cruel to house inmates 23 hours in a cell without adequate ventilation and cooling.
I just wanted to clarify one thing. Online everywhere I read inmates in this “quarantine” process are unable to be visited outside of legal council and clergy. Is this true? As in while he is in there waiting to get moved to a level 1 or 2 prison he cannot be visited? Thank you
-Concerned family member
My soon to be husband got transfered today up there and I need to talk to him he came into a larg amount of money and people are stealing from him I really need to talk to him before he gets robbed please his name is jason eidam this is an emergency
Hi Jessica,
We recommend that you call the prison chaplain for assistance. You may want to consult with an attorney as soon as possible.
can u visit someone if they r not family
If you review the additional information section about visitation,you will read that a visitor does not have to be a family member.
For information about prison life, read the 25 Rules.
Hi, I have a question regarding reading material, u said books, magazines and things like that does the reading material have to wrapped up or shipped a certain way in order for inmates to be able to received them?
Hi Mrs. Houston
You cannot ship the books, etc. to the inmate. You have the seller, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Etc. ship directly to the inmate. Make sure you have the prison’s correct address and the inmate’s full name and ID. NO. for the seller
For additional information about prison life, read the 25 Rules.
How often can an inmate from RGC make calls during the week?
I have a question about my sons funds> I was told his commsary would follow him wherever he goes he is in Charles Egeler Reception and guidance Center for now. He is telling me he can’t get into his account because he needs his pin reset can’t they help him do that i can’t send him money while there because i can’t find how to do it on their website. HELP PLEASE
Hi… my friend was recently paroled to Detroit reentry center. Now I see he is here suddenly.. I thought he was being released? He doesn’t have my number.. what is this place for? Is he going back to prison? Can you help me please??
My loved ones meds were changed. They need to be changed back. Whom to I speak with regarding this?
My bf is in RGC he needs his reader glasses can I send them through the mail to him?
Why are they not allowing them to use phones or go outside. They are feeding them in their cells , no showers . They are walking around in space suits and treating the prisoners like their lives don’t matter.
Why are they not releasing the incarcerated that are waiting on a class – that at this point is nonexistent. Meanwhile cases on the rise in rgc.
Is rgc using a condemned area to house prisoners?
Why is rgc saying they are not in lockdown when you call , but indeed they are ?
How do I send money to an inmate by mail
I have been trying to schedule a visit to see my dad it is so hard to schedule a visit I have already been cleared for visiting do I just show up he in in the Charles elger reception and guidance center
How do I send books to RCG