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Roederer Correctional Complex

P.O. Box 69
Male prison
(502) 222-0170
Opened in 1976
Prison Description

Roederer Correctional Complex opened on August 28, 1976, originally as a 150 bed minimum-security "work camp" institution to operate a 3.000 acre prison farm. On December 1, 1987, RCC was converted to a medium/minimum security institution with 100 medium and 152 minimum custody inmates. The institution underwent another major transition on May 1, 1989, when it was transformed to the Assessment and Classification Center for the Kentucky Department of Corrections for all incoming state prisoners, excluding inmates that received the death penalty.

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Susan Gish

trying to find out if inmate phillip riley #232805 is still located in this facility. thank you for your assistance.

kitty bennett
kitty bennett

Are packages to inmates allowed ?

melissa carr
melissa carr

Will an inmate who has been there less than 60 days be able too attend his dads grave-side V.A. memorial in Nashville,Tn.?

Cliff Clavin
Cliff Clavin

Sure. But, they will only pay for the rental car, and pay for the hotel, if the inmate has at least 60 days served.

julie watson
julie watson

is an inmates DOC# used as their id # when mailing a letter?

Nancy Helms
Nancy Helms

My son has just been processed at the facility. How do I put money on his books and what all is he given when he got there

MaeLee Sherman
MaeLee Sherman

I’ve been trying to get info on my son and I’ve called and no one will answer the phone or return my calls. How can I find out what is going on with my son not able to call or message I know that he has money on his account to call and nothing in 3 days. Could someone please help me my son name is Christopher Ray MeElreath. Thank you


Hi MaeLee, If you continue having difficulty reching the prison administration,
try the prison chaplain for assistance.


How do I find an inmate I think might be there?


Hi Tanya,if you cannot locate the inmate through our inmate
locater, try the record search–truthfinder ad on the right side of
almost every page.

Karen Fullmer
Karen Fullmer

Has a Paul glentz # 157778 been put in your facility date of 6/25/2024 from marshal jail of Benton Kentucky