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Gulf Correctional Institution, Annex

699 Ike Steele Road
Male prison
(850) 639-1000
Opened in 1999
Prison Description

The Gulf Correctional Institution Annex is a state prison for men located in Wewahitchka, Gulf County, Florida, owned and operated by the Florida Department of Corrections. With a mix of security levels including minimum, medium, and close, this facility was opened adjacent to the Gulf Correctional Institution in May 1999 and has a maximum capacity of 1,398 prisoners.

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Karen White

I would like to know what kind of living conditions Ralph Faba V14103 has? He murdered my daughter May 15, 2000.
I am interested if he has a nice life? I have heard
different things like prision is like a resort, or the
opposit. I would like to hear it from a person that works there. My daughter’s name IS Angela Diane Durling. Murdered May 15,2000
Thank you,
Karen White

Karen White

I would like to know what kind of living conditions Ralph Faba V14103 has? He murdered my daughter May 15, 2000.
I am interested if he has a nice life? I have heard
different things like prision is like a resort, or the
opposit. I would like to hear it from a person that works there. My daughter’s name IS Angela Diane Durling. Murdered May 15,2000
Thank you,
Karen White


Hi Karen,
We are very sorry for your loss. You can be assured—no prison is a resort. Most prisons are harsh environments. If you want additional information about what prison is like, click this link.


I was wondering how to we go about getting this form to make it so that we can visit. Also are they allowed to receive mail?


Hi MissingBestFriend, Please note the following information about visitation. You can send mail to the inmate. For more information about prison life, click this link. 1. How do I Apply for Visitation? Complete a visitation application: The inmate you wish to visit must send you an application. An application must be completed by all visitors 12 years of age or older. The application form consists of two parts: Form numbers DC6-111A and DC6-111B. You complete and submit the DC6-111A. The DC6-111B is a visitor information summary which should be reviewed and retained by the visitor. Where do I mail the… Read more »


HI MissingBestFriend, Please note below information about visitation. You can send mail to the inmate. Click this for info.about prison life. Complete a visitation application: The inmate you wish to visit must send you an application. An application must be completed by all visitors 12 years of age or older. The application form consists of two parts: Form numbers DC6-111A and DC6-111B. You complete and submit the DC6-111A. The DC6-111B is a visitor information summary which should be reviewed and retained by the visitor. Where do I mail the visitation application? Completed applications (DC6-111A) should be mailed to the Classification… Read more »


Ok. With sending them letters what has to be on the envelope? Does their DC number have to be on it if so how do I find that out?


I was wondering how to we go about getting this form to make it so that we can visit. Also are they allowed to receive mail?


With sending letters what has to be on the envelope, does the DC number have to be on it and how do I find their number


Hi MissingBestFriend,
Please note the following information about mailing:
Always use the inmate’s committed name, DC number, and institutional address when addressing your letters.
Use the Facility Profiles to locate the address for major institutions. Use the printable directory to locate Work and Forestry Camps, Road Prisons, Work Release Centers, and Administrative Service Center addresses.
Address the envelope as follows:
Inmate’s last name, first name, DC#
Institution name
Mailing address
City, State Zip Code Example: Doe, John DC# 012456
Some Correctional Institution
1212 South Street
Any Town, Florida 11111
For information about obtaining ID. No., click this link.
For information about what prison is like, click this link.


With sending letters what has to be on the envelope, does the DC number have to be on it and how do I find their number


Can they receive pictures?


It is our understanding that photo’s are accepted. You can call the facility to confirm.

Linda Ferrer

Would like to know is it possible to speak with a classification officer pertaining to inmate: Lescaille,David.


HI Linda, is not affiliated or connected to any prison or government entity. We recommend that you contact the facility to speak with a classification officer.


r the inmates in faith base around any females


r the inmates in faith base around any females


how long r classes in faith base how many classes

Edyie Hendrickson

I am wondering how Richard Hendrickson III is doing . Can you let me know ?


Hi Edyie,
We recommend writing to the inmate, or contacting his case manager, or contacting the prison chaplain.

Edyie Hendrickson

I am wondering how Richard Hendrickson III is doing . Can you let me know ?

Deneida Malave
Deneida Malave

Does this prison have access to the JPay Player – ?
Do they also have the WWW. to sent clothing items yearly like summer and fall season ( like – Access?)
Deneida- Florida

Deneida Malave
Deneida Malave

Does this prison have access to the JPay Player – ?
Do they also have the WWW. to sent clothing items yearly like summer and fall season ( like – Access?)
Deneida- Florida

Maria Magallans
Maria Magallans

He is in at Annex Florida prison right now and his religion is Islamic and they had him as a Christian in his file so this morning I called the chaplain at the main prison and he told me as a favor he was going to change it and all he had to do was request to attend to his Fridays meeting and this is extremely important he was denied of his practice what can be done about this?