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Franklin Correctional Institution

1760 Highway 67 North
Male prison
(850) 697-1394
Opened in 2005
Prison Description

The Franklin Correctional Institution is a state prison for men located in Carrabelle, Franklin County, Florida, owned and operated by the Florida Department of Corrections. Franklin has a mix of security levels, including minimum, medium, and close, and houses adult male offenders.

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jennifer nichols

I was wondering if there were special visitation for an immate. We are coming from michigan and haven’t seen our family memeber over 10 years. If were approved we would like to come in may. Please get back with me at so much..

jennifer nichols

I was wondering if there were special visitation for an immate. We are coming from michigan and haven’t seen our family memeber over 10 years. If were approved we would like to come in may. Please get back with me at so much..


Hi Jennifer,
You need to call the prison directly to discuss a special visit.

sixta mendoza

i wanted to know what other form of id can i present if i don’t have a drivers license. also wanted to know if we are going to be able to see him face to face


Hi Sixta,
You will need an official government photo ID. The visits are face to face, unless the inmate is in segregation unit for punishment.
For more information about prison life, click the 25 rules on

sixta mendoza

i wanted to know what other form of id can i present if i don’t have a drivers license. also wanted to know if we are going to be able to see him face to face

Mrs, Maria Jorge

Good Morning, Please I would like to know what’s the dress
code for visiting an inmate.
Thank You


Hi Mrs. Jorge,
It’s always a good idea to dress conservatively. The following is a list of some of the clothing deemed inappropriate: Tank tops, skin tight or spandex clothing, shorts that are more than 3 inches above the knee, skirts, fish net style clothing, clothing with offensive language/pictures, military style camouflage clothing to include jungle (green), urban (grey or black), and desert (tan or brown), and see thru clothing.
From PrisonPath: For information about prison life, read the 25 Rules.