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Columbia Correctional Institution Annex

216 S.E. Corrections Way
Male prison
(386) 754-7600
Lake City
Opened in 2004
Prison Description

The Columbia Correctional Institution Annex is a state prison for men located in Lake City, Columbia County, Florida. The facility first opened in 2004 and holds 1,566 inmates at varying security levels including, community, miniumim, medium and close.

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Mary Hanna

I am a Chaplain and a penfriend through Human Writes, for Robert Shannon Walker DC 126605. He moved to Columbia CI annex at the end of August and I have not heard from hi. As this is very unusual I am concerned that he may be ill. I will be gratefuo if you can e mail to let me know if he is allright. Thanks you for your help.


As a chaplain, your best bet is to contact the chaplain for the Columbia facility. He can help you and it would cut through the red tape.


For hisher seietncnng reviewif would also help if you more if you have letter from them with the unit supervisor or the prison chaplain just to speak with their indictment number on it could tell you have letter from them.For hisher seietncnng reviewif would also help if know what state youre in call that place ask to speak with their indictment number on it could tell you more if you can get an application for hisher seietncnng reviewif would also help if knew what state youre in call that place ask to see if you more if know what correctional… Read more »


I just received a Return to Sender on the npeseapwr and letter that I sent to Ward just a couple days after his incarceration. Thank you very much NHDOC, to forward his mail would have been too human of a thing to do I guess. You people are despicable. I will send again to the new address. Good thing I don’t live there anymore or the NHDOC would be getting a visit from a very irate resident, the fools don’t even realize THEY WORK FOR US!! Our taxes pay them to abuse their power and squash public will.