INMATE MAIL AND PACKAGES Essex County Correctional Facility Inmate Name and Serial Number 354 Doremus Avenue Newark, NJ 07105 Inmates are allowed to send and receive an unlimited number of letters. There shall be no restriction on the length, language, or context of letters or to whom an inmate may write except when there is a clear threat to the institution. All incoming mail, letters or parcels will be examined/handled by Correctional Facility officials for cash, checks, money orders, and contraband, but not read except when such is deemed a threat to the security of the institution or used for illegal activity. Inmates shall be permitted to receive books, magazines, newspapers or other printed matter mailed directly from the publisher or reputable book store.
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I would like some information about my daughter. What is her sentence,, when will she be release, how much time do she have?
Are undocumented immigrants being deported at this time? If they are sick with the corona virus, are they being released?
My grandson is housed in Delaney Hall and I read there was a positive case of coronavirus there, is there anyway i can find out if he is ok..