Currently, Major Brian Meinberg is the Division Commander. The Corrections staff is split into two bureaus (Operations and Services) including two Captains, eight Lieutenants, and twenty Sergeants, 171 Corrections Deputies and 69 civilian employees. The Sheriff budgeted over 25 million to operate the Sarasota County Jail in 2015. Daily operations require 140 deputies assigned to housing duties that include care, custody and control over an average population of 950 inmates that require three meals per day. Daily laundry duties involve 20 commercial size loads of clothing which are cleaned and distributed daily. The Sarasota County Jail has a rated capacity of 1,026 and a classification capacity of 827 (appropriate space in order to ideally separate inmates and provide adequate programs). The total number of inmates processed into the facility in 2013 was 15,149. In 2009, the new “open” booking area was unveiled. The change has provided quicker transition into custody of arrestees and a safer environment for both the arrestees and staff, which is outlined in the Exemplary Projects section of this book.
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