Inmates shall not send or receive mail from an inmate confined in any other Solano County Facility without the prior written consent of both Custody Facility Commanders. Each letter sent MUST have the return address of the sender on the outside of the envelope. The return address should be printed or stamped onto the envelope, as address stickers are not allowed. Outgoing letters shall not be sealed by inmates until after it is inspected for contraband by custodial personnel. Packages sent or received through the mail are prohibited except the following: Legal materials; textbooks; periodicals; magazines (that are approved as mail matter by the Postmaster General provided these items are sent directly from the publisher or vendor). Inmates may only have a maximum of 5 soft bound books at any time. All incoming mail shall be opened and inspected for contraband. Opening and inspection of the legal mail will be conducted in the presence of the inmate. Mail will be distributed each day, except Sundays and holidays. Mail will be delivered only to the inmate addressee. PHOTOGRAPHS: Inmate are allowed a total of 5 photographs (no larger than 4"x6") at any given time. No more than 5 photographs per letter may be mailed in at a time for distribution purposes. *Notice of Rejection: Incoming Publication/Mail/Item* Publications, Mail, Items may be returned to you for the following reasons: Photographs depicting gangs, weapons, unlawful activity, sexually explicit material (nude or partially nude). Photocopies. (Limit 5) Negatives, Polaroids, sticker photos, frames or albums. Photograph size limit is 4”x7” (Limit 5 photographs) Books, soft cover only, must be sent directly from the publisher/vendor. (Limit 5) Newspapers and magazines must be purchased by subscription in the inmate’s name and must be sent directly from the publisher/vendor. (Limit 5) No pens/pencils, envelopes (metered, plain or stamped), postage stamps or stationary. Item contains hair, maps, jewelry, posters, lottery tickets, candy, trading cards, magnets, condoms, ID card(s), stencils/tattoo patterns, date/address book. No cash or personal checks accepted. Money orders must be legible and filled out completely. Inmate to inmate mail not approved by Facility Commander. No third party mail. Item cannot be searched without being destroyed. Item contains metal, wood, plastic, cloth, cardboard, paint, crayon, perfume, lipstick, stickers, glitter, tape, glue, powder, liquid paper, stains, or unknown substances. Greeting card size limit is 9”x12”. Packages must have prior approval of the Facility Commander. Drawings depicting gangs, weapons, nudity/partial nudity, sexually explicit and/or unlawful activity. Articles depicting gangs, weapons, sexually explicit material, unlawful activity, and/or information found to be in conflict with safety and security. Other reasons deemed appropriate and approved by the Facility Commander.
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