Prison Path

15 Year Old & Nike Fives– 5 Year Sentence



Maryland Prison System Bans Hugging

Dayonn Davis was sentenced to five years in prison and 10 years of probation. The sentence was imposed for stealing a pair of black and white Nike Air Jordan Fives from an acquaintance. Davis’s accomplice had a handgun for the robbery. Davis’s attorney argued that her client did not know that his accomplice would bring a weapon. According to his lawyer, Susan Henderson, the accomplice, who was later arrested, but not charged, brought the weapon.Davis ran from the scene with the Nike sneakers.

Dayonna Davis did not have any record or prior involvement with the law.

When Georgia juveniles, 13 or older, are charged with armed robbery, they face trial as adults–mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years in prison. Davis, 15 years old, was charged with armed robbery.

After intense negotiations between Davis’s attorney and the prosecutor, Davis pleaded guilty to just robbery–Five years in adult prison, possibility of parole, and upon release, 10 years of probation.

Christopher Bruce, policy counsel for Georgia’s ACLU, commented about the Davis case,

“Mandatory minimums make sure prosecutors have the upper-hand when it comes to plea agreements…We need to look deep in ourselves and determine, should we continue to jail and imprison children, or should we give them the help that they need to be productive citizens of society.”

By: Bradley Schwartz
Founder of
Prison Consultant



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